Christmas is round the corner and yeap i have been taking advantage of the christmas sales...I ve been working in a pub and its pretty ok i guess cos i don really have much to do at home and i just do not have the feeling of nothing to do but at least a short trip to genting and christmas to look forward to.. Been feeling slightly melancholnic probably due to the festive season as i begin to remininise, i do like this feeling when its not intense cos somehow it makes me feel more human ...
Some people just wanna hold on to mermories, every single bit od dem, be it happy or sad, they go to the extend of keeping everything big or small . pieces of receipt stuck in their wallets diaries amd all the shit..For me i think ive learnt to let go easly and i prefer creating memories worth big enuff jus to keep in my mind..well each to his own...
Some people just wanna hold on to mermories, every single bit od dem, be it happy or sad, they go to the extend of keeping everything big or small . pieces of receipt stuck in their wallets diaries amd all the shit..For me i think ive learnt to let go easly and i prefer creating memories worth big enuff jus to keep in my mind..well each to his own...